Coming soon – the world’s most expensive DSLR remote control

Yes, to go with my expensive D300 — I now find I have no wireless remote control shutter release.  The handly little not-particularly-cheap ML-L3 remote that worked for my D40 is no good for the D300.

Instead I’m supposed to buy an ML-3 remote — which costs about ten times the price.  Sure it does a lot more, but I don’t particularly want more, I just want to press a button in my hand while the camera is on a tripod at the other side of the room as I do endless self-portraits while practicing my off-camera lighting.

So, what is a geek to do?  Well, build something yourself of course — with the techniques in mind that I used for the Tethered Shooting script I realized I could put together a wireless remote with things I had hanging around.

Now if I add up the cost of all those items it comes to about 25 times the cost of the ML-3, so that would have to count as the most expensive dSLR wireless remote control in the world!   But…  If I already have all the gear then the extra cost to me is zero.

So once again it’s a bit (ok a lot) of hardware tied together with a few lines of code – Windows only (XP SP2 minimum) in the version I’m doing, but I’m sure Macs can do something very similar.

Details tomorrow when I get it all packaged up.

5 Replies to “Coming soon – the world’s most expensive DSLR remote control”

  1. Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/diyphoto/public_html/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 591
    Thomas Culler says:

    I do appreciate the D-I-Y-ness of your solution, but I bought a wired remote (3 foot) on eBay for my D300 for about $7 shipped; I also bought a wireless remote on eBay for about $12 which works fine, but does not have a shutter lock (bulb) setting. The wireless remote works from about 30 feet with a clear line of sight, less if there is something between you and the camera.

    – Tom

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    raymond says:

    Let me know which vendor you got the wireless remote from, I’d like one of those too!

    Yes, this script is a bit of a joke — but I can see situations where someone might need a remote NOW and ordering from ebay will be a few days.

    On the other hand the “self portrait mode” of my script is genuinely useful I think. I have the laptop at my side so I can see results of my posture and expression immediately. And if I have the laptop there I might as well use it to trigger the camera, and change camera settings too.

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    gene says:

    I also have a wireless remote from ebay(hong kong). It was about 18 bucks delivered. I really like it. The reciever can be used as a wired remote (although pretty short) and the wireless trigger has half trigger(focus)/full trigger(shoot)/and bulb. And claims distance of 100 feet or more outside. It certainly works well inside. Why not think about marrying one of these to the computer (usb ?) to eliminate wire Now that would probably be a pretty handy dandy option. I’d pay for one of them 🙂


  4. Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/diyphoto/public_html/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 591 says:

    > This is Iris from Aputure Photo Tech Co., Ltd, I browsed your website and find that you are dealing with kinds of DSLR cameras and accessories . So I want to contact you here and want to see if there is any cooperation opportunities with your company.
    > Our company is one of the leading professional photography accessories and studio equipment manufactures in China.We specialize in producing studio lights, flashes, reflectors, DSRL& SRL camera remote shutters and various photography accessories.
    > More products information, please find the attached catalogues and you can browse our websites as belows.
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    > Iris Wang.
    > Aputure Limited
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    Matthew says:

    Vivitar now makes one for about $40 (for both pieces) and a range of 320 feet. Works great with my D700 & the D300. Has immediate release, 2s delay and and continuous mode. Also comes with a battery, with a 3 year lifespan.

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