Download Camera Control

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379 Replies to “Download Camera Control”

  1. Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/diyphoto/public_html/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 591
    Miguel says:

    Thank you Sam, yes I have tried camera control by nikon but it doesn´t support SDK for D3000. I have ViewNX2, Nikon Transfer, Capture NX 2, and all those work fine except Camera Control. But if you know how to fix the bug I have, that would be great!!!

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    Rylyn says:


    are they will be able to work on MAC computer because I don’t have PC laptop.

    Thank you

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    Mukund says:


    I am not at all familiar with programming of this kind, so my question could be naive. I am interested in using a NIKON DSLR for capturing images as part of my experiments in our laboratory. Is it possible to use (or straightforward to modify) the script here so that I can trigger the capture programatically (as opposed to having to click a button on a GUI)? e.g By a signal generated from LABVIEW or a signal generator. Thanks a lot!

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    Alex says:

    try to save this as “MakeImage.wsf”:

    Option Explicit

    Dim DestPath, DevID, Dev, Itm, Img, ImageNamePrefix

    ‘Der 1. Aufrufparameter MUSS der Zielpfad sein!

    ‘Der 2. Aufrufparameter sollte der Dateinamenprefix sein (Ev. Fehlermeldung ohne 2. Parameter)

    ‘Entweder Direkt das richtige Gerät ansprechen
    ‘DevID = “{6BDD1FC6-810F-11D0-BEC7-08002BE2092F}000”

    ‘oder einfach das ErstBeste 😉
    DevID = DevMan.DeviceInfos(1).DeviceID

    set Dev = DevMan.DeviceInfos(DevID).Connect

    ‘Bild schiessen
    Set itm = dev.ExecuteCommand(wiaCommandTakePicture)

    ‘Bilder von Speicherkarte in Zielordner kopieren und auf Speicherkarte löschen
    For Each Itm in Dev.Items
    Set Img = Itm.Transfer
    Img.SaveFile DestPath & “\” & ImageNamePrefix & Itm.Properties(“Item Name”).Value & “.” & Img.FileExtension
    Dev.Items.Remove 1


    Call it from i.E. a Batch, 1st parameter to pass to this script is the path where to save the image.
    2nd parameter is the filename prefix.
    call it from a batchfile i.E.:
    “cscript MakeImage.wsf c:\images ImagePrefix”

    Is this what you need?

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    Alex says:

    Wire me an eMail to send you the files, I see that the pasted is not complete.
    -> timelapse at bergius dot ch

  6. Pingback:
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    Time-lapse con Nikon D3000 | No Solo Frames

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    Raul says:

    Thanks for creating this, I’m glad someone is creating powerful free software to combat the overpriced alternatives.

    My issue with the software is as follows:
    My D200, while I’m able to hit the shutter release via the program, will not download the photos to the selected folder. Not sure why.

    I hit “start tether” and tried it with both Raw and JPG and nothing.

    Am I doing something wrong? Help me out please.

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    Andrew says:

    Works with Nikon D50 and I can do time-lapse.

    You are a genius

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    Bob Law says:

    I could swear that 5.2 was working with my D90 and Vista computer. But now it will not download images. When I revert to 5.0 it downloads images, but doesn’t show the camera settings. Does anybody have any idea what is happening?

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    wpbear says:

    D7000 and latest version DIY will not allow changing exposure mode without exit program/power off and restart DIY.

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    Trevor says:

    Great software! Works beautifully with my D3100 on Vista 64.

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    jann says:

    hi i cant use bulb mode in this program.. can this possible to control the shutter release? ill try to learn your prog and try to tweak from it.. im using d3100.. i want to have a long exposure in this program like 1min-30mins of exposure. by the way.. nice work really helpful coz nikon doesnt support d3100 tethered.. that sucks nikon!!

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    Allison says:

    I absolutely love this software, but I am having some issues with glitches. I have used a Nikon D3100 and D5100 with the program (5.2) and it works perfectly for a little while and then it simply shows a white screen for the full screen preview and no longer saves the photos to the assigned folder. It stills saves them on the camera, but it’s as if the program just disconnects. I get a “script error” window pop up, and I have to close the program and reopen it, then stop the tether and start the tether for it to work again. I’ve used this on Windows 7 on 2 different computers with the same results.
    Has anyone else had this problem? Any thoughts?

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    tony says:

    Tanx for this superb program , im using nikon d3100 wich have no tethered program at all, i think this is the only one??
    I to have script errors, seems like it saves it on disk anyway, dont have to close program , just klick yes on script popup window

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    Samu says:

    Can we control the focus D3100 scripts somehow?

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    Mrs Trellis says:

    Excellent software, works well with my D40 and Windows XP. Looking forward to using it for my astrophotography

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    Brent Nichols says:

    This is an excellent piece of software, my nikon d-60 synced right up and work without any problems. I tried both on a windows xp laptop and on a windows 7 desktop, worked flawlessly. Thanks for what you have done here this makes my camera a usefull tool when tethered.


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    Nikk says:

    Thank a lot for this!

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    PeterK says:


    Is there a way that the camera could be triggered through this from an external device? For example a PIR to detect movement or a speaker to detect sound?

    Thank you for putting this out there, makes life simpler for oldies like me that cannot do the techo stuf


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    MG says:

    My Nikon D3100 works very well with your software!
    It would be nice, if you could implement a function, that one can alter camerasettings automatically during a TIMELAPSE-Sequence.
    Say, you want to capture a night-sequence of the sky, there you have to change the shutter time/iso/aperture quite often during the timelapse-capture, because in the evening the light changes very rapidly-AND it would be great, if this could be done automatically !!!

    But anyway, it is a very handy tool!!! Thanks a lot!

    Greetings from Germany

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    Aplicación Timelapse | FotoHobby

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    Simon says:

    Love the script! Have a question, we’re trying to use your software to shot photos to a mapped network drive so they’ll be viewable on multiple machines right away. However when we set the output folder to our mapped network drive it doesn’t send them through. Any suggestions on how this could be fixed?


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    Josh Green says:

    Thank you for creating such a great program I just tried it out on my d7000. My other body is a Fuji Film IS Pro (s5pro). Have you developed a way to active live view on the computer screen. It would really help out a ton since the screen on the camera is so small. and I can’t use the view finder when I have the IR filters over the lens (don’t want to burn out my pupils . Also there is no other program I found that can control this camera anymore.. 🙁

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    Josh Green says:

    One more thing. How about developing a braming interface for time lapse which automatically changes aperture and iso settings during sunsets and sun rise. like magic lantern interface on canon

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    chawa says:

    Simon, though I’m not sure if it works, try using the UNC path instead of the mapped directory (\\\) Try overwriting it through the script though, not via selecting it through the folder button.

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    Simon says:

    Thanks chawa. Question for you, how do i overwrite it in the script? Is there somewhere i can download the script?

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    ASUS and PrimeSense to bring motion-control to the PC | Innovation Toronto
  28. Pingback:
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    Cum sa faci un Time-Lapse reusit? | My Little Photo

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    Brian Miller says:

    Has anybody tried this with our new iPad app Photo Party Upload ( seems like it should integrate seamlessly.

    Please let me know as this might be a great resource for diy photo bits photographers.


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    mohammed says:

    i love my world sow much i love saudi arabia

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    Christine says:

    Hey, I can’t seem to download the software? Help!

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    Noemi says:

    Itry to add a tethering to my D3100 I follow the steps dowmload version 5.2 but when was time to extract I could not I’m usind windows vista. Please help me

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    John says:

    I am really excited about the possibility of controlling camera remotely through my laptop. Is it possible to install and use this on OSX Lion?


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    Stan says:

    When you update the script, can you also include Nikon D3100? i mean i just got this camera and i really need the software, so please if you can, can you do it?

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    chawa says:

    Doesn’t it work with D3100? It says in the download page that it works with D3000, i thought it would work with D3100 too… used it with Win XP or Win7?

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    Really says:

    Used on D7000.
    Computer is Win XP.
    work with JPG only.
    Is there somthing that I can do to make it work for RAW?
    Also, can you allow more than 30 sec shutter??

    Thanks a lot~!!

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    Michael says:

    I am not really clear what your program is designed to do. Will it allow me to use my D70 to a) shoot pictures and have them appear on my laptop as they are shot; and b) allow me to use the laptop as the shutter trigger?

    I assume that once installed on the laptop, I would connect the camera to the laptop using the USB connection? Or do I need something else?

    Thank you.

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    Hans says:

    Just downloaded and tried with a D5100 – works beautifully! Thank you very much for this great app!!!
    One question/request (as some others have asked): any chance it can be made to work with bulb so I can get past the 30 sec exposure time limit (for astrophotography)?
    Thanks again for this great program!!!

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    Brian L says:

    How the heck did you get this to work with the D3100 when there is no SDK for the d3100?

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    pryere says:

    I have been using this for a long time. I have just upgraded my machine. Very happy to report to this seems to work fine with LR4 beta and Win 7 64bit. Auto importing with a watched folder.

    Very happy.

    Thanks again.

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    Michael Kraft says:

    I just downloaded v 5.2 this for use with my D70. Seems to work fine, EXCEPT it does not let me choose the exposure mode. Stuck in M. Suggestions?

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    pryere says:

    Sometimes it helps to exit and re-open the programme.
    Have the camera connected and turned on before opening the programme.
    With win 7 make sure you press the Start Tether tab.

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    sebastien says:

    OMG!!!thank you soo much. I just tried it and i got goose bumbs.
    much obliged and lots of respect to you.

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    jakob says:

    Hi! Thanks for making this. Exactly what I needed. Also very well designed software. Easy to use and just works. Great!

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    David Henry says:

    I own a nikon d3000 and was hunting for a software that would allow me to do time lapse … just googled my way to this nice site.

    I downloaded the software and installed it on my laptop running Vista Basic, but have been unable to make it work ! Everytime i try, i get the Err msg: “fnselectDevice” is undefined.
    can someone pl help me out.. cos i’m having no clue as to how to fix it

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    Sam says:

    I am using a laptop (old…) running Win XP (SP3) and a desktop (new) running Win 7. I’m using the DYI ver 5.1 DEV and controlling a D3100 rather well (it seems).
    The lapsed time shooting appear to be running OK on both systems. (can not use bracketing since the camera does not support this…). I do not know if the issue for David Henry is Vista…

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    David Henry says:

    Hi Sam,

    Thanks for your piece of info… so is it the problem with vista ?

    I would like to get an opinion from those using D3000

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    Den says:

    I am unable to figure out how to get the photo to display on the computer. I get as far as the file NAME being displayed but no photo. I do get error msgs. that java script did not operate correctly. Maybe the program won’t do what I thought it would. I want the photo to immediately (not considering process time) display in the photo editing program (Photoshop Elements). Using Win 7 64-bit & Nikon D300.

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    HRose says:

    I might have just skipped over it entirely, but is this only available for Windows and not Mac? As I tried it for my Mac and it keeps opening on my Terminal instead of running a program. Thanks!

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    Lar says:

    So I dl’d the software. And because it doesn’t seem available immediately I am guessing I must have my D200 hooked up. Is there any way to run it without so I can play with the settings before or it is solely using the camera for such settings?

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